202 Amaranth Half Red Scarlet


Seed count: 10,000 seeds
Harvest (Days): 25

– F1 HYBRID Variety
– Germination rate >90%
– Purity Rate >95%
– Moisture rate >7-8%
– Storage: One year from Purchase
– All seeds are treated
– Category: Non-GMO
– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C

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Amaranth Half Red Scarlet has wide adaptability and is easy to grow. The leaves are round, with a green edge and an attractive inner red. It can be harvested between 25-30 days. The plant is very tasty, high in anthocyanin, and provides an excellent source of magnesium and iron.

Jenis bayam merah 202 ini mempunyai penyesuaian yang luas dan mudah ditanam. Daun dalaman berwarna merah yang menarik dengan pinggir hijau. Sesuai untuk dituai pada 25-30 hari. Rasanya enak serta mempunyai kandungan antosianin, magnesium, dan zat besi yang tinggi.

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