126 Okra Medium Green Apple Lady


Seed count: 30 seeds
Harvest (Days): 50

– F1 HYBRID Variety
– Germination rate >90%
– Purity Rate >95%
– Moisture rate >7-8%
– Storage: One year from Purchase
– All seeds are treated
– Category: Non-GMO
– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C

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Apple Lady is a medium green okra variety that thrives in tropical regions. The plants are highly branching and produce high yields. The pods measure about 15-18 cm in length, with fruiting beginning after 45 days, allowing for continuous harvest. This okra is highly nutritious, providing vitamin A, C, E, K, dietary fiber, and folates.

Kacang bendi Apple Lady ini digemari ramai. Buah berwarna hijau sederhana dengan kepanjangan 15-18 cm. Berbuah selepas 45 hari dan boleh dituai secara berterusan. Ia mengandungi khasiat vitamin A, C, E, K, serat, dan folat yang tinggi.

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