[AGRI INPUT] Jom Tanam Tomato Cherry Aurora 127
Seed count: 30
Harvest (Days): 55-60
– F1 HYBRID Variety
– Germination rate >90%
– Purity Rate >95%
– Moisture rate >7-8%
– Storage: One year from Purchase
– All seeds are treated
– Category: Non-GMO
– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C
24 in stock
Aurora is a cherry tomato variety that adapts well to hot climates but performs even better in cooler climates with staking support. It produces clusters of attractive red cherry tomatoes that are delicious in taste. The plant starts fruiting after 60 days and is rich in lycopene, fructose, glucose, minerals, and vitamins.
Jenis tomato ceri Aurora ini berprestasi baik di kawasan panas tetapi lebih baik di kawasan yang lebih sejuk dengan sokongan galak. Buahnya berhasil secara gugusan dan seragam. Berbuah selepas 60 hari dengan buah berwarna merah yang manis. Mengandungi lycopene, fruktosa, glukosa, mineral, dan vitamin.