[AGRI INPUT] Jom Tanam Kangkung Green Glory 217
Seed count: 250 seeds
Harvest (Days): 25
– Germination rate >90%
– Purity Rate >95%
– Moisture rate >7-8%
– Storage: One year from Purchase
– All seeds are treated
– Category: Non-GMO
– Storage between 16°C to 30 °C
29 in stock
Green Glory Kangkung is known for its fast growth and ease of cultivation. It features hollow, thick stems and a high abundance of leaves. The plant can be harvested within 22-25 days. It offers excellent eating quality and is rich in iron, vitamin A, B1, and C.
Kangkung Green Glory ini cepat tumbuh dan mudah ditanam. Batangnya berongga dan tebal serta mempunyai banyak daun. Sayur ini boleh dituai dalam masa 22-25 hari. Ia mempunyai kualiti pemakanan yang hebat dan kaya dengan zat besi, vitamin A, B1, dan C.