Movento 240 SC


Spirotetramat 11% + Imidacloprid 11%

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Movento E is an insecticide containing two active ingredients: spirotetramat from the ‘ketoenol’ group (IRAC 23) and imidacloprid from the ‘neonicotinoid’ group (IRAC 4A).

Active Ingredients:
-Spirotetramat: 11.0% w/w
-Imidacloprid: 11.0% w/w

Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Category: Class IV
Packaging Size: 500ml

Mode of Action:
Movento E exhibits systemic activity with both xylem and phloem mobility. Imidacloprid provides additional systemic and contact action, enhancing pest control.

Effective Against:
Whitefly (Lalat Putih) on crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, and chili.

Application Rate:
10ml per 10L of water

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