Rainpat 566
Glufosinate Ammonium 5.66%
Rainbow RAINPAT 566 is a powerful herbicide formulated with 5.66% glufosinate ammonium, designed to provide effective control over a variety of tough weeds. This product is easy to use, fast-acting, and does not harm the soil, making it an excellent choice for both agricultural and non-agricultural applications.
Key Features:
Active Ingredient: Glufosinate Ammonium 5.66%
Formulation: Liquid concentrate for dilution
Usage Instructions: Mix 15ml of Rainpat 566 with 1 liter of clean water and apply generously to target weeds.
Effective against the following weeds:
Eleusine indica (Rumput Sambau)
Axonopus compressus (Rumput Parit)
Paspalum conjugatum (Rumput Kerbau)
Asystasia intrusa (Akar Ruas Ruas)
Ottochloa nodosa (Rumput Pait)
Calopogonium caeruleum (Kekacang Penutup Bumi)
Borreria latifolia (Setawar)
Application Rate: 60% contact herbicide and 40% systemic herbicide.
Safety: Non-damaging to plant roots; does not harm the soil.
Activation Time: Requires 3 hours to “set in” and starts to kill weeds within a day after application.
Duration: Provides residual control for at least 2 months.