Vigorane 29.6EC
Fluroxypyr Meptyl 29.60% 1L
Rainbow VIGORANE 29.6 EC is a post-emergence herbicide specifically developed for use in mature oil palm and rubber plantations, as well as non-crop areas. It belongs to the Pyridine Carboxylic group, providing systemic action for effective weed control.
Key Features:
Active Ingredient: Fluroxypyr-meptyl
Concentration: 29.6%
Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Usage: Post-emergence herbicide
Pesticide Class: CLASS III (moderate toxicity)
Pack Size: 1L
Target Weeds:
Akar Ruas-ruas (Asystasia intrusa)
Ceroma (Mikania micrantha)
Kekacang Penutup Bumi (Pueraria phaseoloides)
Centrosema pubescens
Rumput Pait (Ottochloa nodosa)
Rumput Kerbau (Paspalum conjugatum)
Rumput Parit (Axonopus compressus)
Application Information:
MOA (Mode of Action): Targets specific enzymes in broadleaf and grassy weeds, disrupting their growth.
Group: Pyridine Carboxylics